Welcome to BajTimes, your trusted source for the latest news, updates, and insights. At BajTimes, we are committed to bringing you accurate and timely information from around the world. Whether it’s breaking news, politics, entertainment, technology, or sports, we strive to provide a wide array of topics to keep you informed.
Our team of dedicated journalists and editors work tirelessly to ensure that the news we provide is both relevant and reliable. We understand the importance of staying updated in this fast-paced world, and we aim to deliver news that matters to you.
Our Purpose
BajTimes was founded with the mission to provide a reliable and unbiased platform for people to access the latest news and stories from around the world. Our goal is to create a space where readers can trust the information they receive and stay well-informed on the most important events.
Our Mission
At BajTimes, our mission is simple: to deliver quality journalism with integrity. We believe that access to accurate news empowers people, and we are passionate about keeping our readers informed.
Founder & CEO
Mukesh Kumar Yogi
BajTimes was founded by Mukesh Kumar Yogi, who envisioned creating a news platform that provides insightful, honest, and up-to-date information to readers everywhere. With a background in journalism and a passion for media, Mukesh leads the team in delivering trustworthy news content to all.